Why Invest in MEDA?
Why should businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals invest in MEDA? Investing in the MEDA partnership helps to advance the economic growth and prosperity of Maricopa. Firms and institutions who contribute to MEDA realize many benefits by supporting this vital partnership between business, government and education. In today’s world where business is intently focused on ESG (environment, social and governance), being a part of MEDA uniquely offers this platform to build the relationships and deliver the outcomes that are essential to business and community success.
Strong relationships with the top public, private and community leaders whose positions and work directly impact how Maricopa grows and prospers.
Experienced local industry leaders invested in Maricopa who are ready to champion and lead change to strengthen the city’s business climate and operating environment.
The ‘gateway’ to understanding the economic and business dynamics that define Maricopa.
A pro-growth organization with the ability and standing to expedite development of commercial and residential projects in the community.
Consistent, long-term private sector leadership that operates independently of partisanship or terms of office to lead on issues and projects that impact the bottom line.
Ability to quickly address infrastructure needs with the city’s utility executives ‘at the table’ and committed to solutions.
Champions for building Maricopa’s competitiveness for business, industry and entrepreneurship.